CCIOT Smart Street Lighting System
Fully Intelligent Lighting Control Solutions
Lighting Control, schedule and Dimming individually or by Group, energy-effective solution to both retrofit and LED lights
CCIOT is designed to support any infrastructure in any part of the world. Choose the one that suits you best:
GSM/Zigbee Control
Individual lighting management through GSM/Zigbee technology
Wireless control is typical for those networks in which lights are powered independently, not from single source or cabinet. Apparently, in this case surely you may not control lights through existing power line, but there is still option CCIOT has to offer: Zigbee or GSM.

PLC Control
Individual lighting management via existing power lines through PLC technology
The most intelligent solution providing maximum flexibility in management and energy economy for cabinet-based networks. Supports both non-dimmable (HPS or driverless LED) and dimmable (DALI, 1-10V, PWM) lamps.
Controllers installed into lighting cabinet to provide remote lighting control for all components
PLC Nodes
PLC control nodes integrated into drivers of lighting fixtures or mounted on poles
Remote control & diagnostics software for street lighting
Wireless control node at each luminaire
CCIOT Software
Remote control & diagnostics software for street lighting
Group Street Lighting Control and Dimming
Affordable energy-effective solution to control and monitor both retrofit and LED lights
Easy and affordable way to connect your luminaires into a single system
Fast Payback
Starts saving maintenance costs and providing better lighting form the first year of implementation.
Easy Retrofit
Works simultaneously for retrofit HPS and new LED luminaires.
Low Maintenance Costs
With only a few central controllers installed into power cabinets, the control room is always aware of lighting performance.
Great option to start connecting city lights, easily upgradable by just adding additional modules over existing ones.

Discover the full range of NCT CCIOT intelligent solutions for outdoor lighting control including information about adaptive lighting driven by sensors and integration of architectural lighting.
Sample: Smart Lighting Controller System Platfrom ——